Aspiring to help the survival and education of children throughout the world
who are suffering because of conflict, poverty and disaster...
UNISSOGRAFF™ designs world peace with RAKUGAKI ART.

Unissograff creates contemporary artwork from the drawings of children. Through this new genre of art, one that absolutely relies on the creative collaboration of children, "UNISSOGRAFF-LONDON" brings you clothing and homeware, fashion sportswear, and travel goods printed with these unique and fascinating designs.
And we donate a portion of the proceeds to the organisations that support those children.

At Unissograff™ our in-house fashion designer tailors his artwork to suit each product, and by partnering with Contrado, an established London-based fashion manufacturer, we offer high quality goods with a sophisticated shipping service to deliver “art with the essence of children” around the world.

When you first receive a Unissograff item, your initial sentiments may be something like “this is nice” or maybe just “thank you”. As well as demonstrating the moving beauty of art, though, at Unissograff we also believe this is also a direct expression of the gratitude and joy we feel at the presence of children in our world.

Children’s drawings represent their pure hearts, transcending language and borders, race and religion, and by converting their drawings into art and fashion Unissograff seeks to return some of that gratitude and joy by supporting the survival and education of those same children. A hitherto unprecedented concept of ‘Donation Art’, one could say.

So, how did it all come about?

You are no doubt familiar with donation boxes on the high streets and charity commercials on the television. Many of us give money to these causes with feelings of “how sad” or “good luck to you”. Unissograff artist and founder ca37, who himself has had a speaking disability since early childhood, has always felt a sense of frustration, however.

“They are in need and so of course will be grateful that others give them money. But they are not begging. It is not simply that they are poor but, as people just like us, they want to experience the same happiness with which we ourselves have been blessed”.

No matter where they live, everyone the world over, even children, has value and worth as a person and surely everyone has a role to play. What if we could all recognize each other equally as individuals, regardless of where they live or whether they are children? Could we not then achieve a ‘global peace built around children as the core’?

With such thoughts, and together with some like-minded friends, ca37 founded UNISSOGRAFF™ and the concept of a global peace borne from children’s drawings. Unissograff takes children’s drawings - the messages from their souls – and by the hand of contemporary artists transform them into beautiful collages, but it is not simply a business. In appreciation of the existence of children in our world, it also forms the first “Peace Art + Peace Design Project”. 

In order to realise its goals, Unissograff does not regard children as ‘weak beings that must be nursed and nurtured’ but as ‘valuable artists who can touch the hearts of adults’. And accordingly, we believe that we should compensate them as artists.

What form does this take? A system whereby adults throughout the world can support their survival and well-being.

Every Unissograff product price includes a charge for the artwork, and 20% of all net proceeds are donated to Terra Renaissance, an officially certified NPO which operates with staff in conflict-stricken areas of Africa and Asia, and charities that work in the tsunami-ravaged regions of Japan, to support the welfare and education of the children who live there and whose drawings are the basis for all of our designs.

Through our favourite art and fashion, we can all of us continue to offer our thanks to the children who will carry the burdens of the next generation, and the means for them build their futures.

Download the 2019 Unissograff Activity Report here:

Learn more about our Global Activities

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Watch how Unissograff artwork is made...

The movie below shows the beginning of our 'Rakugaki Art' workshops in Uganda,
where ca37 was able to watch the children drawing.
He made the promise to them that he would transform their drawings into artwork
that would travel the world as fashion goods.