>Initiatives for SDGs
I had at the time of meeting ca37 been looking at ways in which I could perhaps help make some kind of a difference myself.

UNISSOGRAFF LONDON Director / Gordon McKenzie
"There Are Children"
"There are children".
This was the phrase that ca37 used to describe the concept of Unissograff when I first met him in Tokyo.
Here was someone who had jumped in his car and driven to the north-east Tohoku area of Japan after seeing the devastation of the terrible earthquake and tsunami in 2011, to help the children there through the power of their own drawings.
Then, despite only being able to speak Japanese, he jumped on planes and did the same thing in east Asia and Africa!
Transforming the drawings of children into encaptivating artwork and fashion that everyone can enjoy, and in turn provides support back to them.
What an amazing concept!
I was moved. Humbled. And inspired.
Having experienced tragedy myself as a child, I have long been aware of the impact that events - and others - can have on young people. In fact, I had at the time of meeting ca37 been looking at ways in which I could perhaps help make some kind of a difference myself.
But when he mentioned that he was looking to start a foreign-language website to spread the Unissograff concept further, I heard the call.
And when he said he was looking to base it out of the UK...
Originally coming from Scotland, this truly felt like fate!
And so I created Unissograff UK. A company dedicated to support and spread the Unissograff message - changing children's lives through art & design - from my own country as well.
Working together, we aim to bring this magical combination of artistry, children's potential and fashion to help support children everywhere and build a better future for all of us.
I sincerely hope that you will feel as moved as I was and join us with this exciting and powerful new genre of donation art and fashion!
** If you are interested in more information about Unissograff, or perhaps getting involved yourself, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We would love to hear from you!