Certified NPO Terra Renaissance (Laos)
[Donations generated by Laos artwork]

Unissograff™ generates funding to support the education and well-being of children in the minefield villages of Cambodia, and the social rehabilitation of young people who were engaged as child soldiers in the civil conflicts of Uganda.
Currently all donations generated by artwork created from the rakugaki drawings made by children in Laos are made to Terra Renaissance, an officially certified NPO organisation based in Kyoto which stations its people on the ground in the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Republic of Uganda to actively support the people of these aforementioned areas.
This way we know that our donations are 100% used for the purpose with which they were intended, supporting the areas they were intended for.
↓Find out more about UN recognised NGO and certified NPO Terra Renaissance↓

Certified NPO Terra Renaissance was established in October 2001 with the aim of "realizing a society (world peace) where all lives can exist in safety and peace".

Terra, means "earth" in Latin, while Renaissance refers to "regeneration, reconstruction" in English. The name "Terra Renaissance" therefore represents "revival and revitalisation."
They aim to address the four issues of "land mines", "small weapons", "child soldiers", and "peace education" by simultaneously operating international cooperation at sites around the world while conducting enlightenment and proposal activities in Japan.
Official website*: https://www.terra-r.jp/index.html
(*Please note this site is currently Japanese language only)

If you would like to know more about Terrra Rennaissance, or anything else on this site, please feel free to get in touch with us.